TimeZone Bug

[Dev/Java] 2007. 11. 14. 21:54

I'm struggling with TimeZone problem in Java.

TimeZone.getDefault() was expected to return correct time-zone information, GMT+09:00. But, it shows 9 hour behind what it should be.( below is my computer system spec.)

OS : WindowXP SP2
jre : 1.5.10_b13

I googled it and found some articles dealing with the TimeZone problem.
It was registered in the bug database(
http://bugs.sun.com/bugdatabase/view_bug.do?bug_id=4762673 ).

But, the bug had been closed without distinct solution, instead vague workaround was suggested, just attaching "-Duser.timezone=Asia/Seoul" when starting the java application.

It works well, considering.... -_- ;
you can find more detail information related timezone bug below the link.



timeZone.getDefaut() should return a timezone with id = "Asial/Seoul"

Posted by yeori